Who We Are?


UGC3 stands for user generated content but we are sure you know that because you are here, however you may be struggling to think, why the 3? It is to represent the 3 social media applications UGC mainly utilises, tiktok, YouTube shorts, Facebook and Instagram reels. You are right, it is 4 not 3 but we have been a little bit sneaky and counted Instagram and Facebook under one as it under the Meta group and UGC3 Sounds much better than UGC4.

Now we got that out the way we can talk about what we are passionate about and that is what we do. We are helping brands connect with content creators that are excited to share your products or service through their eyes and to share that excitement with the world. 

How did UGC3 come into fruition? When I, Ashley (CEO) needed ideas for gifts or places to eat, especially for date nights with my girlfriend! I was no longer searching on google, I was using tiktok to find all these ideas. This was great because you could see the product or service first hand and got to see and hear what someone else thought. As a digital marketer this gave me an idea! Fast forward a few years later UGC3 came alive and is thriving!

Nice To Meet You


Ash Chin

Creative Director

Mia Wynn

Brand Embassador

Jordan Maz


It is our goal to find you the perfect content creator that will elevate your marketing to the next level and we are dedicated to creating natural campaigns based on UGC that will resonate with your new and existing customers  

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